Monday, November 6, 2017

Three Tips on Creating Online Content for your Dance Studio

How to Create Meaningful Relationships with your Families to Inspire Customer Loyalty
Tiffany Henderson with Amanda Scott

As our whole world becomes more and more digital, people crave more humanity. The good news for us is that dance is one of the most “human” activities. Also, when it comes to caring about our customers studio owners have this handled, almost down to a science.

Now is a great time to own a dance studio! People are yearning for human interaction and want a connection with something emotional and real. Dance cannot be learned while people are scrolling through their smartphones and parents still have to drive their kids to the studio.

All of these personal connections drive our word of mouth factor and increase our bottom line.

However, our target customer, the Millennial Mom,  is ever-changing at the speed of light.  Trying to figure out how to connect to new dance families is a challenge we all face as dance studio owners.

Today I am sharing three tips on creating online content for your dance studio:  

  1. Create Engaging Content - Content is not facts, schedules, or otherwise general studio information you have listed on your website. It is also not your marketing campaigns or current promotions.  Content is who you are, why you teach, and what is in your heart. Your customers want to feel connected to you as the studio owner and you can do this in a healthy, professional way by sharing how students can make the most of their dance class, for example.
  2. Build content around your three Studio Culture Traits - My three studio culture traits at Tiffany’s Dance Academy are: Inspire, Educate, and Nurture. Your “Studio Culture Traits” are not to be confused with why your studio is the best. These traits are centered around the feeling you want people to have and the community you want to foster at your studio, including the lobby.
  3. Tell a Story:  Be a storyteller of what happens day-to-day at your dance studio. Online content should tell interesting stories that connect and engage your audience. For example, we share quotes, videos, and images of our Tiffany’s Dance Academy “Dad’s on Saturdays” making their daughter’s ballet bun, helping tie shoes, etc.

So you have some ideas for online content, but now what? Join us for the free webinar, “Being Personal in a Digital World” on Wednesday, November 8 at 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST.

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